Play Craps Online With Other People

Online craps casino play is a little different than going to a casino and playing a “live” game with other people. First, in a live game, you take turns throwing the dice around the table, and you don’t have to throw if you don’t want too. Second, you are always the shooter when playing at an online casino. Start playing Craps online now or learn more about the Craps Specialty game here. Check out what other people are having fun playing. Online craps software cuts down on this confusion by acting as a guiding hand and prevents you from making mistakes in front of people. But even with online craps being a helpful learning tool, many players have questions about the game. That said, here are some common questions that people have about internet craps. Next Shooter is authored by a real Las Vegas craps dealer and covers everythingyou’d ever want to know about Craps and then some. We offer a unique view of thegame as seen from the casino and dealer’s perspective.And of course we’ve got stuff both for beginners with craps and advanced craps players.

Online craps is an exciting game. In fact it is often thought of as the most exciting game in the casino and usually has crowds of people around the table observing the game and hooting and hollering.


Online craps is a game that is a bit misunderstood, not unlike the local bully who chases his friends away being mean, but really wants friends more than anything else in the world. Most players are shocked when they learn how simplified the game of online craps really is. However, it can appear complicated because of all the betting options, but it is one of the best games to beat the “house” odds on, and is truly riveting in nature. Once you become familiar with the “craps” lingo, it is easy to follow; it just takes a little time to get used to the terminology.

Play Craps Online With Other People

Basic Game
The game is played with 2 dice, which are rolled by “the shooter.” The shooter may place a bet. If the shooter gets a 7 or an 11 on the first roll, he wins; if you roll a 2, 3, or 12, you lose immediately or as they call it “crap out” (which is what it feels like incidentally). If you roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 (called a point), you continue rolling until you get the matching number (a 4 on the first roll and then another 4) and you win. However, if you roll a 7 before you roll the matching number, you loose.

The first roll is the “come out” roll. In a casino you can roll or pass the roll. In online craps casino play, you are generally the roller. The only bets that can be made before the first roll are the Pass-Line and Don’t-Pass bets.

  • Pass-Line: betting that the shooter will roll an immediate 7 or 11, or a point (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). You lose if the first roll is a 2, 3, or 12.
  • Don’t-Pass: wagering that the 1st roll will be a 2 or 3, (12 is a stand-off or tie). You lose if the shooter rolls a 7 or an 11 on the 1st roll. If a point is made (roll a 4 as an example) you are betting that the shooter will roll a 7 before he will roll another 4 (just think the exact opposite of a Pass-Line Bet).

The next possible bets are the Come and Don’t Come bets. These are made after the shooter makes the first roll.

  • Come Bet: the shooter will make the point (for example: roll a 5, and then another 5) before he/she rolls a 7. After the Come Bet is placed, ff a 7 or an 11 is rolled, you win; if you roll a 2, 3, or 12, you lose.
  • Don’t-Come Bet: your bet is that the shooter will roll a 7 before he/she makes the point. After the bet, if a 7 or 11 is rolled, you lose; however, a 2 or 3 is a winner, and a 12 is a tie (or stand-off). You are betting that the shooter won’t make the point (Don’t Come Point).

The next types of betting are Place Betting, Buy Betting, and Lay Betting. All of these bets are based on the point numbers of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.

  • Place Betting: you pick one of the possible points (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) and bet that that number will come up before a 7. You must choose a point, other than the existing point. If 6 is the point, you cannot make a place bet on a 6, but you can on all others.
  • Buy Betting: A Buy Bet is the same as a Place Bet, but you are betting that a point (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) comes up before a 7. You are buying a point number. You usually have to pay a 5% commission on this bet to the on-line casino, but you are given better odds.
  • Lay Bet: betting that a 7 will come up before a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. You choose a number (let’s say 6)and bet that a 7 be rolled before a 6. Since a 7 is has the most possible combinations, the on-line casino usually takes a 5% commission if you win, as a 7 is the most likely to be rolled.

Some Other types of bets are:

  • Field Bets: The Field Bet is betting that a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 will come up on the next roll. This bet only covers 1 roll-the next one. If that number doesn’t come up, you lose.
  • Big 6 and Big 8 Bets: Betting that a 6 or an 8 will come up before a 7. Generally worse odds than making a Place Bet, though it is exactly the same thing as a place bet; you are just picking a different box on the crap table with worse odds.
  • Proposition Bets: These bets are placed at the center of the table, where you will see pictures of dice, and dice combinations. Here, you are betting on one roll-the next one. You are betting that a number, or even a set of numbers will come up on the next roll. You can choose “any craps” which is a 2, 3, or 12 bet; a 2 or 12 bet; 3 or 11 bet; or “any seven” bet. The pay-offs are high, but the chances are very low that you will win, as you only have 1 roll.
  • Hardway Bets: This is betting that 4 (double 2), 6 (double 3), 8 (double 4), or 10 (double 5) will come up before a 7 is rolled, or a different combination of that chosen number. For example, instead of double 3’s coming up for a 6, a 4 and a 2 come up for a 6.
  • Horn Bet: The next roll will either be a 2, 3, 11, or 12. You must put a bet on each number (for example, bet $20, and each number would have $5 on it), but only one number will win and three numbers will lose. So, only $5 can actually win.
  • Horn High Bet: You bet on the next roll: You choose 3 horn numbers (2, 3, 11, 12) and two numbers that you want. On the two numbers you choose, the bet is increased.

Dice Chart:

There are different numbers that come up because there are several ways it can appear. For example, an 8 can be rolled as a 2-6, 6-2, 5-3, 3-5, 4-4. However, a 2 can only come up one way: 1-1. It is helpful to see the dice and what the probabilities are that any number may come up on a dice roll.

Roll (Dice Combinations) Probability

2 (1-1) 1/36

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3 (1-2; 2-1) 2/36 or 1/18

4 (1-3; 3-1; 2-2) 3/36 or 1/12

5 (1-4; 4-1; 3-2; 2-3) 4/36 or 1/9

6 (1-5; 5-1; 4-2; 2-4; 3-3) 5/36

7 (6-1; 1-6; 5-2; 2-5; 3-4; 4-3) 6/36 or 1/6

8 (2-6; 6-2; 5-3; 3-5; 4-4) 5/36

9 (3-6; 6-3; 4-5; 5-4) 4/36 or 1/9

10 (4-6; 6-4; 5-5) 3/36 or 1/12

11 (5-6; 6-5) 2/36 or 1/18

12 (6-6) 1/36

Suggestions For Playing Craps
Craps appears to be complicated because of the huge variety of different types of bets, and so many online gaming enthusiasts choose to avoid it altogether. However, if you stick to a few, basic bets, that have the best odds, you can build on more complicated bets later. The key, at first is to keep it simple and diversify after you have a good grasp of the game.

A good strategy to learn the game is to visit an online casino and try the Pass/Don’t Pass bets. There are plenty of online casinos where you can play for free until you get used the game. After playing for awhile add the Come/Don’t Come bets. From there, you can decide whether or not you want to add the additional bets, depending on your own personal style of gambling, with poor odds-big payoff, good odds-lower payout, etc.

Online craps casino play is a little different than going to a casino and playing a “live” game with other people. First, in a live game, you take turns throwing the dice around the table, and you don’t have to throw if you don’t want too. Second, you are always the shooter when playing at an online casino. Third, there may be a psychological edge working against you. Since you are the only “shooter” you may be reluctant to bet against yourself to bet Don’t Pass, Don’t Come. You are betting to make money, however, to bet against yourself may make you feel that you are betting negative-that you won’t Pass or make the Point. Some may find it difficult to do this.

Different books and online websites give varying advice on what is considered a good verses a poor bet. Here is a chart to help with deciding on what odds you want to live with.

Craps Dice Game Gameplay

Bet Types Probability/Odds House Edge

Come Out Roll
7 6/36 or 1/6

11 2/36 or 1/18

Pass Line Bet Even money 1.41%

Don’t Pass Bet Even money 1.36%

Come Bet Even money 1.41%

Don’t Come Bet Even money 1.36%

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Place Bets (to lose)

4 or 10 5 to 11 3.03%

5 or 9 5 to 8 2.50%

6 or 8 4 to 5 1.82%

Place Bets (to win)

4 to 10 9 to 5 6.67%

5 or 9 7 to 5 4.00%

6 or 8 7 to 6 1.52%

Field Bet Even money 5.56%

Big 6/8 Even money 9.09%


Any Craps 7 to 1 11.11%

Any 7 4 to 1 16.67%

11 or 3 15 to 1 11.11%

12 or 2 30 to 1 13.89%

Horn Bet What house specifies 12.50%

Play Craps Online

To have a successful online craps game, an online casino website has to provide several key features for the people who want to play craps online. Craps is a game about the action of the dice, and it's a game about the people around the table. So a good craps game online has to have the best graphics and a really good chat function.

Online Craps Bonuses

You'll see casinos offer lots of online slots bonuses, blackjack bonus promotions, and even video poker promo incentives, but you don't see as many craps bonuses. When you do, they don't tend to be touted as highly, which is a real shame. That being said, there are a number of online casinos that do offer big craps offers to get craps players to sign up.

Internet Craps Promotions

Let's face it, though. Those huge craps bonuses are not for most of us dice gamblers online. Imagine you want to collect a $20K bonus. You're almost certainly going to have to deposit twenty-thousand dollars in the casino to get those matching funds. Then you're going to have to clear some gambling requirement to be able to withdraw the bonus, usually 20x or 30x your deposit plus matching bonus. So you're talking about $40,000 played through 20 times, or a whopping $800,000.

I know money is bet quickly when you start gambling, but that's not only out of most of our leagues, but it's pretty much beyond comprehension for a gambler like myself. If I had $20,000 to put into an online casino, my wife would have a new car.

Online Craps Etiquette

Most of the etiquette which applies to live casino craps is done away with in the online version. That's isn't because online gamblers are inherently rude (that's for another discussion), but because the mechanics of the game are so much different.

You can't toss chips onto the table in online craps. You usually can't make late wagers or stack your chips in the offensive barber pole formation. There's usually not a dealer to tip, so you don't have to worry about the bad manners of not tipping the boys. You can't drop food and drink on the felt; in fact, it's your home, so you can be as messy as you want to be (I don't recommend it, though).

Most of the good manners in virtual craps involves good manners in general, and good online etiquette. If you're using IM or chat functions, don't curse. Don't pick fights with other players. Make your bets in a timely fashion, because people tend to be less patient online than they are in person--or at least more vocal about their impatience. That being said, you're encouraged to chat people up at an online craps table, since that's a tradition throughout the game's history.

Craps Betting Systems

The mainstream logic on craps betting systems apply just as well in online craps as they do in live dice gaming. When the house has an edge--and it always does--there's no betting system you can devise to beat those odds. You might get lucky and win, but that doesn't mean you have a system for winning. You just got lucky. There are some betting systems for dice that are more egregious and/or widespread than others, so I wanted to address those.

Craps and the Martingale Systems

The Martingale System will not help you win at craps, and it certainly won't help your enjoyment of craps. The Martingale System posits a betting method where you double your bet after every loss. After a win, the gambler starts the betting over at his initial betting amount.

Imagine you start betting $1 on the dice rolls in craps, which isn't very exciting, to begin with. But imagine you bet a dollar and lose a dollar. Then you double the bet to $2. You win the wager, so you cover your initial loss and win an extra $1. Then imagine you bet $1, then $2, then $4, then $8, and lose all four bets. The fifth best is for $16, and you win. You net $1, as that $16 payoff clears the account on those previous $15 in losses.

Why the Martingale System Sucks

That sounds good, but it's not, unless you want endless $1 wins on a series of bets, and the real risk of ruin. Think about how those bets were doubling after every loss. Maybe you don't mind betting $16 on a 50-50 proposition, or actually a little less than a 50% prop bet. But do you mind betting $32, or $64, or $128?

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This goes on and on, until the Martingale System has you betting way out of your price range. Bad luck happens in gambling, and it's sure to happen eventually. So even if you have a hundred $1 betting series--and that's by no means assured--eventually the odds catch up to you and you're facing a $128 or $256 bet that may or may not go your way.

So the Martingale System means you are going to cover your bets a lot for the big sum of $1--seldom enough to get your adrenaline going--and then give you the occasional hammer with huge betting decisions way out of your betting range. Studies show the Martingale System consistently have a higher variance than standard, reasonable betting patterns.

Gambler's Fallacy

Play Craps Online With Other People

The Martingale is one of many betting systems which plays into the gambler's fallacy. The fallacy is that, if a bet or series of bets have gone against you, that you are 'due' for a win. Every single bet in craps is an entirely new proposition, so just because you lost the last 5-10 rolls of the dice, that doesn't mean your odds have increased for the next roll. The odds are the same, every single roll.

Online Craps Warning

In my opinion, the warnings I give for craps gambling and casino gambling go double for online craps. Because you are playing with simulated chips and not moving around chip stacks and money, there's a certain surreal quality to gambling on the Internet. By that, it may not hit home quite as quickly that you're playing for real money. With a click-click you can be wagering $512 and blowing it on the goofy Martingale scheme. Don't do that.

Enjoy online craps by playing with a system that lets you have some big wins, some big losses, and a lot in-between. Set a limit on how much you plan on losing, and stick to that number. But use a betting method that gives you the chance of hitting on a big win every once in a while. Otherwise, what's the use?

Play Craps For Money Online

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